Mobile Trends 2023: Meet the #1 Priority for Post-Pandemic Recovery

Maksym Yurko

Mobile technology has emerged as a primary engine for improved communication, social inclusion, customer engagement, and business productivity—profoundly changing the daily lives of over 80% of users globally.

Fueled by the pandemic shifts, mobile has become a catalyst for business transformation and the key enabler of fast and frictionless digital experiences that consumers expect. As businesses shift back to recovery and growth, they prioritize mobile as the central digital orchestrator, with nearly 70% of leaders naming mobile applications a critical strategic channel for their business.

So what exactly is fueling the global mobility trend and how can companies accelerate their path to post-pandemic recovery with mobile?

The Tie that Binds Emerging Technologies

Major advances in data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and other technologies have altered the winning formula. With the growing shift to remote digital environments, companies that focus on mobile-first technology adoption can achieve breakthrough cost savings while maintaining or even increasing their profitability.

Mobile provides a foundation that is robust enough to scale innovative technology for the benefit of your business and its customers. Whether building immersive AR solutions, data-driven IoT systems, intelligent chatbots, or AI-powered smart voice assistants—mobile is key to embracing and adjusting these to the needs of your customers. Smart home digital assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home are mostly reached via phone and the same is true for many other apps used daily.

Mobile developers can tap into over 1 billion compatible smartphones to build new integrated experiences. For businesses, this means introducing better ways of engaging customers and winning the attention of digital-native audiences.

Empowers the Workforce of the Future

The shift to remote work has pushed companies to rapidly advance their digitization and provide customers and suppliers the possibility to interact with them through multiple channels, at all times. This increased the demand for mobility across critical business functions including supply chain, operations, customer support, and data analytics.

Apart from operational and client-facing aspects, this shift created a mix of remote and on-site working models, resulting in the growth of a 1.87 billion mobile workforce.

The key idea behind the mobile workforce trend is providing employees everything they need to be as productive outside of the office as when they’re in it. Mobile became imperative for employees to work seamlessly and securely regardless of their location. It provides the flexibility for workers to reliably and securely connect and access the same applications and data as they would at a company office.

Employers who offer scalable tools and applications to support the needs of the mobile workforce increase their chances of winning the best talents. 74% of employees feel that having the right software and tools to communicate with coworkers is very influential in their choice of employers. This also empowers existing employees to be better informed, productive, and liberate more time in the day for higher-impact tasks.

A Hub for Personalized Experiences

Over 73% of customers prefer doing business with brands that offer personalized experiences.

Personalized customer experiences are no longer nice-to-have, they’re table stakes.

Yet few companies are pioneering a better approach than legacy survey-based customer analysis and taking full advantage of the wealth of data available.

Companies now can lawfully and seamlessly collect smartphone and interaction data across customer, financial, and operational systems to comprise a 360-degree view of their customers. Forward-thinking business leaders already implement ML-powered solutions to empower their data analytics teams. They unlock actionable insights to anticipate future customer behaviors, identify potential bottlenecks, and areas of CX improvement—all in (near) real-time.

63% of mobile users are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides relevant product recommendations.

By better understanding customer mobile interactions, businesses can ultimately provide more relevant and prompt solutions, personalized recommendations, and elevate end-to-end customer journeys. And those who prioritize mobile as a primary interaction channel will take the lead in identifying and acting on emerging customer opportunities.

To better prepare for the post-pandemic future, leaders must embrace the mobile imperative, redefining how they operate and engage with customers. By making mobile a critical part of the recovery and growth strategies, companies can activate speed and efficiency, adopt an evolving view of customers, streamline communication across teams, and increase profitability.

Are you mobile-ready to prioritize growth in 2023? Do you have the tools required for the post-pandemic recovery? Let’s chat about how Trinetix Mobile experts can empower you with the right mobile strategy and implementation roadmap for accelerated success.

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