Top 3 Benefits of Mobile-First Strategy for Enterprises

Maksym Yurko

There has never been a time where enterprise mobile was more vital to future business success. A hyperconnected environment, growing customer expectations, and demands of the pandemic-reshaped modern workforce bring a new mobile-centric imperative for enterprise leaders.

As the number of mobile users globally is expected to hit over 7.3 billion in 2023, businesses that fail to ensure mobile presence risk loss of competitiveness and maneuverability. Leading enterprises adopt a mobile-first strategy to activate their offline experiences, improve customer interactions, and diversify their marketing mix. And the use cases span even further.

In part one of our Mobile Trends blog series, we tapped into the healing effect of mobile for post-pandemic recovery. Here we’ll discuss the top 3 reasons why enterprises need to embrace the mobile-first mindset in 2023.

What Does Mobile-First Mean for Enterprises?

Being mobile-first means shaping your business strategy with mobile users as the priority. To successfully adopt a mobile-first strategy, enterprises must focus their digital transformation efforts on seamless user experiences that are just as effective on mobile devices as they are across other channels.

Mobile-first is often used in the context of design and development, involving the mandatory “optimize for mobile” step in the project life cycle. However, it goes beyond optimization and spans the whole concept of user experience, requiring brands to keep up with the latest trends and technology. Mobility also helps remove silos and self-limiting technology companywide. Once enterprises create an experience that converts using a mobile device, other devices will follow.

Key Benefits of Mobile-First Strategy

Increase Loyalty and Reach

Mobile is no longer an afterthought, it’s the starting point of successful customer-brand interaction. In 2021, mobile accounted for around 55% of website traffic globally, with up to 61% of users checking their phones as soon as they wake up.

Mobile-first strategy provides enterprises the opportunity to retain customers by responding to their urgent needs while reaching new audiences. Mobile provides a simple and viable revenue channel by increasing the speed, quality, and volume of customer interactions with a company.

After Google introduced the new standard for mobile-first indexing, prioritizing websites for mobile became even more crucial. Enterprises that neglect mobile-first optimization risk losing ranking and competitive ground to more nimble competitors.

Elevate Customer Experiences

Mobile remains the primary channel to delight and serve customers in their moments of want and need, providing immediate access to required products, information, and resources on the go. As of last year, transactions made via mobile devices accounted for as much as 54% of all sales to the tune of $659 billion in revenue.

Leading brands adopt a mobile-first strategy to unlock a tremendous customer experience (CX) potential and elevate end-to-end customer journeys.

By combining mobility, virtualization, and emerging technology, enterprises can:

  • Leverage customer behavior data and mobile user analytics to personalize experiences and develop tailored loyalty programs.
  • Simplify knowledge management by distributing and securing content such as catalogs, manuals, etc. through scalable mobile apps.
  • Assist consumers with product selection and increase sales by providing tailored mobile recommendations and hyper-targeted ads.
  • Boost customer engagement by showcasing products in an immersive setting using virtual and augmented reality applications.
  • Accelerate time-to-resolution by introducing smart voice assistants and other self-service alternatives.

91% of mobile users admit they are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers personalized recommendations on products. For businesses, delivering relevant content at the right times across the customer journey can reduce acquisition costs by up to 30% and increase revenues by 20%.

Foster Digital Transformation

Mobile acts as a catalyst for digital transformation. As we’ve crossed the threshold of mobile representing more than half of internet usage with 79% of smartphone users making purchases on their device—human touch time on mobile has never been greater.

Enterprises adopt a mobile-first mindset to achieve more effective reach and engagement as a significant component of digital transformation. Mobile enables businesses to ensure exceptional experiences virtually anywhere in the world, at any time.

What’s more, millennials and Gen Z consumers are already embracing a mobile-only culture, potentially making up 75% of the global workforce by 2025. In other words, neglecting to optimize with mobile-first could eliminate three-quarters or more of potential audience within the next three years. The time to make mobile-first a priority is clearly now.

The role of mobile is evolving but will remain key for building lasting relationships with customers. Wherever developing a new sign-up form, product, or expanding a business’s online presence—a mobile-first strategy should dominate the digital transformation agendas of forward-thinking enterprise executives.

Are you ready to prioritize mobile in 2023?

Do you have the right strategy and apps to meet the needs of the mobile-first audience?

Let’s chat about how our Mobile experts can help.

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