Product design process: a fresh perspective for 2025 and beyond

Oleh Shmidt
Daria Iaskova

Product design may seem like a well-trodden path, with familiar fundamentals guiding the process. And to some extent, this holds true. But as businesses are navigating rapid digital advancements, shifting market demands, and evolving user expectations, the need for fresh perspectives and innovative approaches becomes imperative.

In his book “Inspired”, Silicon Valley product leader Marty Cagan describes the product design process as crucial for achieving meaningful business outcomes. As he puts it, “Product discovery is about figuring out what you need to build to deliver the right outcomes for your business”. Luckily, today understanding real needs and providing exceptional value is way easier than it was ten or 20 years ago—thanks to technology and a user-centric mindset.

Together with product development practitioners, we’ll explore the new product design process in full: from basics to industry secrets and best practices we follow at Trinetix—for 2025 and beyond.

What is product design?

Just like it sounds, product design is the process of conceptualizing and developing a product, with a strong focus on its appearance, functionality, usability, performance, and accessibility. However, it’s not merely about crafting something that looks visually appealing or functions effectively; it’s about creating a product that delivers tangible value.

Key product design elements

Traditionally, product design has been centered around three core elements: appearance, functionality, and usability. These foundational aspects have long been crucial for creating products that are not only visually engaging but also practical and user-friendly. However, as the landscape of digital products becomes increasingly competitive and user expectations evolve, it is essential to expand this framework. 

Modern trends and market pace now demand a broader perspective that includes additional elements such as performance and accessibility.


This expansion is driven by several factors:

Growing competition. With a crowded market, distinguishing a product requires exceeding basic design standards. High performance and a superior user experience have become essential for standing out.

  • Evolving user expectations. Users today demand not only aesthetic appeal and functionality but also seamless performance and inclusivity. Meeting these expectations is vital for maintaining user satisfaction.
  • Technological advancements. New technologies allow for more advanced design solutions, pushing the boundaries of what’s necessary and possible in product design.

New product design process: what is it like in 2025?

As we step into 2025, the product design process is more dynamic and multifaceted than ever before. Given the technological evolution and shifting market demands, it is crucial to adopt a structured approach that ensures innovation and relevance. In this section, we’ll explore the product design process with example milestones.

What are the 6 stages of product design?

Design thinking, a modern methodology that drives successful product development, breaks the contemporary product design process into six key stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and implement. These stages are rooted in the core principles of user-centered design, ensuring that each step addresses real customer needs and leads to innovative, effective solutions.

What is research design and how can it elevate your product?
Design thinking provides a framework for addressing complex problems and creating user-centered solutions. By translating its principles into specific product design stages, businesses can align their processes with these core ideas while maintaining clarity and structure.

Steps in the product design process

So, design thinking can be a baseline for specific product design stages just as shown in the following matrix.


Ideation and concept development

This stage merges Empathize, Define, and Ideate principles. It begins by understanding user needs through research and empathy. Insights from this phase help define the problem and inform ideation, where various potential solutions are brainstormed, refined, and selected for further exploration.

How to make the most of the discovery phase?

Prototyping and design validation

This phase embraces Prototype and Test principles. Teams create iterative prototypes to explore the feasibility of concepts. These prototypes are tested with users, and feedback is used to refine the design. The goal is to validate that the product effectively addresses user needs before moving into full development.

Development and testing

The final stage encompasses Implement and involves full-scale product development and engineering. Rigorous testing ensures that the product meets quality and functionality standards. This phase prepares the product for production, with final adjustments made based on testing outcomes before its market release.

Requirements for product design

Considering the product design flow and summarizing the evolution of the product design concept, we outline the following requirements that define the modern product design and development process.

  • Aligning with business goals. A product should not only meet user needs but also contribute to your company’s strategic vision, such as enhancing market presence or driving revenue growth.
  • Leveraging data to drive valuable insights. Analyzing user behavior, market trends, and performance metrics helps in making informed decisions and validating ideas, leading to more effective and relevant products.
  • Embracing iterative testing. This approach allows businesses to catch potential issues early and adapt design based on real-world input, ensuring a final product that truly resonates with users.
  • Focusing on the entire user experience. A great product design integrates ease of use, visual appeal, and functionality to create a seamless and satisfying experience for users.
  • Fostering cross-functional collaboration. Collaboration between designers, engineers, marketers, and customer support ensures a well-rounded approach, combining different perspectives to create a more robust and effective product.
  • Designing for scalability. Today, it’s especially important to plan for future growth and changes. Create a design that can evolve with technological advancements and shifting market demands, ensuring the product remains valuable and adaptable over time.

Depending on the specific business context, product characteristics, and industry trends, the list of requirements can expand. However, these core elements provide a solid foundation. 

Top-7 practices redefining product design for the years to come 

So, what’s next? As we move forward, it's crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve by adopting innovative practices that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Below, we share practitioners’ insights for improving product development using innovation and industry best practices. These approaches refine the digital product design process while ensuring that products meet current market demands, sustainability objectives, and technological advancements.

Design for context and behavior

Imagine a smart home device that promises to enhance daily life but ultimately fails to integrate smoothly with existing systems. This scenario exemplifies a common pitfall in product design: neglecting the importance of context. When products overlook how users interact with them in their specific settings, they risk becoming irrelevant and underutilized.

Designing for context and behavior means understanding not just what users do, but how and why they interact with products in their specific environments. This approach focuses on embedding products into users' daily routines and ensuring they adapt to varying contexts seamlessly. It’s about creating solutions that don’t just function well but feel indispensable in the user's world.

Example: Fitbit

Fitbit’s health tracking features are designed with a deep understanding of users’ daily routines and health goals. By providing personalized insights and tracking relevant metrics such as sleep patterns and activity levels, Fitbit ensures that its products meet users’ needs in practical ways. For other businesses, designing with context in mind enhances product relevance and usability, leading to higher user satisfaction and more effective solutions.

Emphasize emotional design

About 70% of consumer decisions are based on emotional factors and only 30% are based on rational factors. Gallup

Emotional connection with users is key to developing products they truly love. In today’s competitive landscape, fostering this connection is more crucial than ever. Users expect not just functional products but ones that evoke positive emotions and create memorable experiences.

Example: Apple’s iOS interface

Apple’s iOS design incorporates emotional design principles through features like haptic feedback and smooth animations. These elements make interactions feel more satisfying and engaging. For businesses, integrating emotional design can significantly improve user satisfaction and loyalty. By focusing on creating delightful user experiences, companies can strengthen their brand and ensure their products resonate with users on an emotional level.

Leverage AI and machine learning

As of 2024, 70% of millennials and 59% Gen Z representatives in the US actively support brands using AI to design products or services. Statista

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing the product design process in operations management by turning vast amounts of data into actionable insights. These technologies analyze user behavior, predict trends, and optimize design processes, enabling businesses to craft products that truly resonate with users.

Example: Adobe Sensei

Adobe Sensei exemplifies how AI can enhance product design at various stages. The solution can analyze market trends and user data to inform design decisions, ensuring that initial concepts are aligned with user needs and preferences. During the design phase, it automates repetitive tasks and provides real-time feedback, allowing designers to focus on creativity and innovation. As the product nears completion, the tool helps to anticipate user reactions and suggest final adjustments to optimize performance.

Harness advanced generative design

Building on the advancements brought by AI and machine learning, generative design introduces a new level of innovation in product development. This approach uses AI algorithms to explore a broad range of design possibilities based on set criteria like material properties, performance goals, and manufacturing constraints. Instead of sticking to conventional methods, generative design opens up new avenues for creativity and efficiency.

Example: Autodesk Fusion 360

Autodesk Fusion 360 applies generative design algorithms to create numerous design alternatives quickly. For instance, a company designing a new smartwatch can input parameters such as weight, strength, and material limitations into the software. The solution then generates various design options that balance these factors, allowing the company to evaluate and choose the most effective design. This not only speeds up the design process but also results in more optimized and cost-effective products.

Explore more impactful applications of generative AI

Adopt ethical and social impact considerations

Designing products today means addressing more than just functionality and aesthetics. Consumers are increasingly concerned about how products impact their lives and the world around them. Ethical and social considerations have become crucial in product design, as they reflect a brand's commitment to privacy, inclusivity, and societal contributions.

By focusing on these aspects, companies not only meet regulatory requirements but also resonate with consumers who value transparency and responsibility. Incorporating ethical practices into design helps build trust and loyalty, setting a brand apart in a competitive market.

Example: Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla’s privacy-focused Browser browser emphasizes user privacy with features like Enhanced Tracking Protection. By prioritizing ethical design and data privacy, Mozilla builds trust with users who are concerned about their digital footprint. For companies, adopting ethical design practices helps build a positive brand image, ensures compliance with regulations, and addresses growing consumer demands for transparency and responsibility.

Incorporate advanced prototyping with mixed reality (MR) 

VR and AR technologies used in product and service development are expected to boost global GDP to $359.4 billion by 2030. PwC

Mixed Reality (MR) blends the physical and digital worlds to enhance the design process. This technology allows designers to interact with 3D models and simulations in real-time, bridging the gap between virtual and physical prototypes. By enabling immersive, hands-on experiences, MR facilitates more effective design iterations and collaborative sessions.

Example: Microsoft HoloLens 

Microsoft HoloLens provides a mixed-reality platform where designers can visualize and manipulate digital prototypes as if they were physical objects. For instance, a team working on a new user interface can use HoloLens to explore and test the interface in a 3D environment, making real-time adjustments based on collaborative feedback. This capability accelerates the design process, improves accuracy, and ensures that the final product meets user expectations more effectively before moving to production.

Integrate sustainable digital practices

Sustainability is becoming a key factor in product design and development, driven by growing consumer demand and regulatory pressures. By integrating sustainable digital practices, businesses can reduce their environmental impact while also creating long-term value. This includes optimizing energy consumption, selecting eco-friendly materials, and designing for recyclability. Embracing these practices not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also positions companies as leaders in responsible innovation.

Example: Google’s Data Center Efficiency

Google's commitment to sustainability is evident in its data centers, which are optimized for energy efficiency using advanced cooling technologies and renewable energy sources. For tech companies, adopting similar strategies—such as implementing energy-efficient hardware and promoting sustainable data management—can significantly cut operational costs and support environmental goals. This approach not only helps companies comply with regulations but also resonates with eco-conscious consumers, enhancing the brand's reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking organization.

How we approach the product design process at Trinetix

From understanding industry standards to implementing effective practices, here's how Trinetix approaches the product design process.


1. Strategic discovery

We begin by diving deep into user research and market analysis, defining product goals, identifying opportunities, and validating ideas, making a strategic leap to forming a clear vision and roadmap aligned across all stakeholders.

2. Solution design

In this stage, we create actionable design solutions, turning insights into prototypes that are tested iteratively. Our process ensures each design is not only user-centric but also practical for implementation, maintaining a focus on user experience and business goals.

3. Execution and optimization

After the product design is finalized, we lead the product through development and market launch. We execute with precision, ensuring quality through continuous testing. Post-launch, we provide in-depth performance analysis, feedback integration, and optimization services to keep your product competitive.

4. Product growth and innovation

We support ongoing scaling and innovation by expanding your product’s capabilities and integrating cutting-edge technologies. Our focus is on driving continuous improvement, ensuring your product evolves in step with industry demands and remains ahead of the competition.

Being a trusted digital partner to Fortune 100 enterpises and fast-growing companies, we know the true value of a strategic user-centered approach to product design and development process. If our process and values resonate with you business challenges, let’s chat about the ways we can make our approach work for you.

This is what our clients say

They were able to understand our needs accurately and translate them into features.
They have excellent business analysts and designers.

Innovation in product design always makes a difference

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